Past: Herbal Medicine Workshop
Dayempur Farm
Saturday, June 22, 2024, 9:30am at Dayempur Farm, 35 Nubbin Ridge Road Anna, IL.
Participants will get a guided tour of our medicinal herb garden. We’ll identify plants, discuss how they’re grown, and share their medicinal properties. There will be a demonstration on how we make herbal tinctures and oils. All Dayempur Herbals' supplements and personal care products will be available for purchase, as well as medicinal plant starts and Dayempur Herbals merchandise!
Our guest speakers
Susan Kamil, Licensed Acupuncturist and Clinical Herbalist, and Anita Brown, Board Certified Naturopath and Applied Functional Medicine Practitioner will present on Cleansing and Detox for Optimal Health
A vegetarian potluck lunch is included - main course items and sweets will be catered by Town Square Market. Please feel free to bring a vegetarian dish or sweet to share!
Dayempur Farm Tours - After lunch, Talib-Mark Fletter, Dayempur Farm General Manager, will offer tours of Dayempur Farm including our natural apiary, high tunnels, low till organic food garden, vermicompost and more.
Register for the Herbal Medicine Workshop at www.dayempurherbals.com or register in person at Town Square Market, 106 E. Jackson St., Carbondale, IL.
$40 for Advance Registration available through June 21
$50 Day-of Registration.
Call or email with any questions: 618-713-5996 and info@dayempurherbals.com.