2025 Annual Fore The Scouts Golf ClassicApr. 18, 11 am-5 pmCape Girardeau Country ClubJoin us at the EBO MD 3rd Annual Fore The Scouts Golf Classic! This event is a four-person scramble built for fun. All funds raised support Scouting programs right here in Southeast Missouri! So hit the course and support after-school programs...
Good Friday ServiceApr. 18, 6 pm-7 pmCape Bible ChapelBegin Easter weekend by setting aside time to join us in song, prayer, and reflection as we look at Jesus' work on the cross during this special Good Friday service.
SEMO Prom Mother of Cape Presbyterian ChurchesApr. 18, TBAFirst Presbyterian ChurchSemo Prom Mothers of Cape Presbyterian Churches - a chapter of the National Nonprofit Becca’s Closet will be distributing free prom dresses for high school girls in financial need from March 1- April 25th. Teens may schedule their appointment online...
Juried Student ExhibitionApr. 18, 9 am-5 pmThe Rosemary Berkel and Harry L. Crisp II MuseumRiver Campus - Crisp Museum - FREE - Reception April 4, 4-8 p.m. Students of the department of art and design showcase their honed and varied talents. Museum hours: Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. & weekends 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Paint For A Cause - Stars and Stripes MuseumApr. 18, 1 pm-6 pmPainted Wren Art GalleryLocal artists Aaron Horrell and Barb Bailey, in conjunction with the Stars and Stripes Museum in Bloomfield, Missouri, have started a new Paint For A Cause Project. This is an opportunity for the public to participate in a project to help raise...
Chair YogaApr. 18, 9 am-10 amOsage CentreDale Ann will teach chair yoga 9 to 9:45 a.m.
Insanity & Core de ForceApr. 18, 5:30 am-6:30 amOsage CentreLesley will teach insanity and core de force 5:30 to 6:15 a.m.
Group Personal TrainingApr. 18, Noon-1 pmOsage CentreChristine will lead the group personal training class 12:15 to 12:45 p.m. Friday.
Country FusionApr. 18, 10 am-11 amOsage CentreCountry Fusion is a fun mix of low impact aerobics and country line dancing. The class will be taught by Robyn and is held from 9 to 9:45 a.m.
Al-Anon Meetings: help and hope for families and friends of alcoholicsApr. 18, 7 pm-8 pmAwnings Building, 819 North Kingshighway, Lower LevelWhen you don't know where to turn ... because someone you care for drinks too much, Al-Anon groups can help. Learn more by attending a confidential and anonymous meeting at River City Freedom Al-Anon Family Group. We Welcome You!