SEMO Cross StitchersMar. 30, 1 pm-4 pmRosemary Berkel and Harry L. Crisp II MuseumThis social stitching opportunity is open to the public. Bring your own supplies, share, show and tell, and swap tips with your techniques. SEMO Cross Stitchers is a group that meets at Rosemary Berkel and Harry L. Crisp II Museum the last Sunday...
SEMO Prom Mother of Cape Presbyterian ChurchesMar. 30, TBAFirst Presbyterian ChurchSemo Prom Mothers of Cape Presbyterian Churches - a chapter of the National Nonprofit Becca’s Closet will be distributing free prom dresses for high school girls in financial need from March 1- April 25th. Teens may schedule their appointment online...
Juried Student ExhibitionMar. 30, TBAThe Rosemary Berkel and Harry L. Crisp II MuseumRiver Campus - Crisp Museum - FREE - Reception April 4, 4-8 p.m. Students of the department of art and design showcase their honed and varied talents. Museum hours: Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. & weekends 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.