Past: Celebration of Constitution Week
Lincoln Memorial Park
Celebration of Constitution Week & the 165th Anniversary of The Lincoln Douglas Debates
Saturday, September 14
4:30 – 5:30 p.m.: Games, Crafts & Music by the students of Anderson Studio
5:30 p.m.: Ceremony
Ceremony will be held at the Lincoln Memorial Park (Lincoln/Douglas Debate Site)
521 N Main Street, Jonesboro, IL
4:15 p.m.: Smart Bus shuttle from Jonesboro Square will run through the event
4:30 – 5:30 p.m.: Kids’ Activities including
Hoop Rolling Race, Make Jacob’s Ladder/Whirligigs, 3-legged Race, Sack Race, Tug of War, Jump Rope, Lincoln Memorabilia Display by Pat Brumleve & more! 5:30 p.m.: Brief Ceremony with Guest Speaker President Lincoln portrayed by Randy Duncan.
Bring a bell to join in the ringing of bells!
Live music by Back Porch Company.
A 21-gun Salute will occur with cannon shots and rifles fired. Refreshments afterwards.